CLAX® Super ImpedeTM/MC 4AL1
Laundry destainer is specifically formulated for use in commercial, healthcare and
on-premise laundries. The product should be used for white and colorfast colored
fabrics. Light yellow in color with a chlorine scent.
Easy to dose
Enables bleaching at lower temperatures; saves energy
Excellent destainer for all types of white fabric
Provides good hygiene
Results in minimal fabric damage when used according to user instructions
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CLAX® Super LaunchTM/MC 6GL3
Liquid general purpose laundry sour is highly concentrated for low-using cost and
maximum yield per container. Helps control iron stains. Colorless with an acidic
Economical to use
Neutralizes residual alkalinity
Non-phosphated for use in all areas
Super concentrated for economy in use
CLAX® Triax® III 4EL1
Concentrated laundry destainer is specially-formulated for use in commercial,
healthcare and on-premise laundries. The product can be used for all types of fabric
(except nylon) and is best applied at temperatures between 150°–170° F (65–76°
C). Can be used to neutralize chlorine residue during rinsing. Colorless with no
fragrance added.
Easy to dose
Excellent destainer for all types of fabric, including colored fabrics
Results in minimal fabric damage when used according to user instructions
... more ...
© J. N. Harriman & Company Limited 2012
Cleaning, Sanitation and
Hygiene Solutions
A Cleaner, Healthier Environment
Good Sense® Instant Air
Fast-acting, instant air fresheners
that leave a pleasant scent.
Aerosols are CFC-free.
Available in three attractive scents:
Tuscan GardenTM/MC, Potpourri
and No SmokeTM/MC.
SKUs 5035288 and 5035317 are
colorless with a floral scent. SKU
5035325 is colorless with
a spice scent.
Soft Care® Liquid Instant Hand
Alcohol formula for use primarily by
healthcare personnel. Just apply to
clean hands and let dry. Thoroughly
sanitizes without drying skin.
Proven to be mild even after
repeated use. Colorless with no
Fabric softener is a concentrated, fabric softening liquid especially formulated for use in
commercial and on-premise laundries. The product is suitable for application on most types
of fabric. Opaque blue in color with a floral scent.
Delivers a pleasant residual fragrance
Good softening of many types of fabric (towels, sheets, wool, delicate articles etc)
Prevents build-up of static electricity on synthetic fabrics
Valid IITM/MC fabric softener is a concentrated fabric conditioner based on
biodegradable cationics and quaternary ammonium salts
CLAX® Valid® II 5EL1
Good Sense® Liquid Odor Counteractant Concentrate
Available in different fragrances to meet different needs
Concentrated formulations work for just pennies per diluted gallon (378 L)
Effective for reducing malodors on carpets, hard surfaces, and as a room spray
Effective on odors from mold, vomit, urine, mildew, and tobacco smoke
Formulated using ActScent™ to fight the toughest odors
Neutralizes to counteract tough odors
Stride® Citrus Neutral Cleaner
A neutral cleaner concentrate formulated for everyday cleaning of floors and other hard
surfaces. This product does not dull floor finishes, and does not require rinsing to deliver
labor savings. Orange in color with a citrus scent.
Cleans nearly all washable surfaces
Concentrated formulations deliver excellent Cleaner performance
for just pennies per diluted gallon
Does not need rinsing
Low-foaming formula allows for less emptying of recovery tanks
Non-alkaline formulation dries film-free
Fast-acting, instant odor counteractants that help neutralize odors from tobacco, food, mold,
mildew, urine and vomit. Effective for use on carpets, hard surfaces and in the air. SKUs 04345
and 04969 are pale yellow in color with a green apple scent. SKU 05388 is pale yellow in color
with a spice scent. SKUs 05394 and 3165353 are yellow in color with a fresh scent.